AmPopMusic & Your Ensemble Class
Using AmPopMusic with your musical ensembles to meet
“Responding” and “Connecting” Standards is possible!
No American Popular Music History class? No worry – AmPopMusic can be still be a valuable tool for your ensembles.
You’re already meeting two of the National Standards with your rehearsals and performances. “Creating” and “Performing” are what you do – every class, every week throughout the year.
But, what about the “Responding” and “Connecting” Standards? Can they be part of your ensembles regular activities?
With, we think they can! Here are some ideas:
1) Connect with Your Repertoire's Background
Is Big Band part of your 2021-2022 repertoire? How about classic rock songs of the ’60s or ’70s? 19th century folk songs? Or perhaps selections from musical theatre, or rap, or the blues?
Give your students a research assignment to dig into the background of each of these genres to get a fuller understanding of what they’re playing or singing. Stylistic influences, key characteristics, important musicians and composers – all the background information for your students to better understand what they’re rehearsing each week.
And beyond the reading, they can watch and hear performances of similar repertoire to better understand how those works on your program have been interpreted by others.
Looking for their feedback? With their “Take Notes” widget, they can write short essays or summaries and they’re available for your viewing and evaluation immediately.
2) Makeup Activities for Absences
Is Big Band part of your 2021-2022 repertoire? How about classic rock songs of the ’60s or ’70s? 19th century folk songs? Or perhaps selections from musical theatre, or rap, or the blues?
Give your students a research assignment to dig into the background of each of these genres to get a fuller understanding of what they’re playing or singing. Stylistic influences, key characteristics, important musicians and composers – all the background information for your students to better understand what they’re rehearsing each week.
And beyond the reading, they can watch and hear performances of similar repertoire to better understand how those works on your program have been interpreted by others.
Looking for their feedback? With their “Take Notes” widget, they can write short essays or summaries and they’re available for your viewing and evaluation immediately.
3) Substitute Teacher Lesson Plans
Is Big Band part of your 2021-2022 repertoire? How about classic rock songs of the ’60s or ’70s? 19th century folk songs? Or perhaps selections from musical theatre, or rap, or the blues?
Give your students a research assignment to dig into the background of each of these genres to get a fuller understanding of what they’re playing or singing. Stylistic influences, key characteristics, important musicians and composers – all the background information for your students to better understand what they’re rehearsing each week.
And beyond the reading, they can watch and hear performances of similar repertoire to better understand how those works on your program have been interpreted by others.
Looking for their feedback? With their “Take Notes” widget, they can write short essays or summaries and they’re available for your viewing and evaluation immediately.
4) Feed Student Curiosity - Extra credit points or activity
Is Big Band part of your 2021-2022 repertoire? How about classic rock songs of the ’60s or ’70s? 19th century folk songs? Or perhaps selections from musical theatre, or rap, or the blues?
Give your students a research assignment to dig into the background of each of these genres to get a fuller understanding of what they’re playing or singing. Stylistic influences, key characteristics, important musicians and composers – all the background information for your students to better understand what they’re rehearsing each week.
And beyond the reading, they can watch and hear performances of similar repertoire to better understand how those works on your program have been interpreted by others.
Looking for their feedback? With their “Take Notes” widget, they can write short essays or summaries and they’re available for your viewing and evaluation immediately.
5) Prepare for what might come - the return of "virtual classrooms"?
Is Big Band part of your 2021-2022 repertoire? How about classic rock songs of the ’60s or ’70s? 19th century folk songs? Or perhaps selections from musical theatre, or rap, or the blues?
Give your students a research assignment to dig into the background of each of these genres to get a fuller understanding of what they’re playing or singing. Stylistic influences, key characteristics, important musicians and composers – all the background information for your students to better understand what they’re rehearsing each week.
And beyond the reading, they can watch and hear performances of similar repertoire to better understand how those works on your program have been interpreted by others.
Looking for their feedback? With their “Take Notes” widget, they can write short essays or summaries and they’re available for your viewing and evaluation immediately.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus quis arcu est. Quisque posuere est arcu, id hendrerit orci pulvinar id. Cras egestas metus sit amet felis accumsan, vitae placerat libero sodales. Morbi efficitur maximus massa et aliquam. Quisque vel viverra augue.
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Ut ac tortor eget nibh condimentum congue. In facilisis porttitor iaculis. Etiam vestibulum, nisl nec molestie egestas, velit lorem venenatis tellus, pellentesque blandit nulla sapien accumsan velit. Vivamus purus nunc, dictum nec elit viverra, semper iaculis risus.