AmPopMusic Features for Teachers
Study Units
Quizzes & Tests
Over 150 different quizzes, practice tests, puzzles, and evaluative activities help students to review reading materials, musical concepts, time periods, musicians, and characteristics of musical genres. Spread throughout the Study Units, as well as in the dedicated Testing Library, these tools help to determine how well students are grasping facts and concepts and what needs to be reviewed in order to achieve the foundation for academic and standard success.
Gradebook & ReportCard
Monitor your students’ progress on Study Unit reading and testing by checking in with the Gradebook, which breaks down students’ progress by Study Units. So, you can go to the Jazz, Rap, or Blues Study Unit section of the Gradebook and see what kind of progress your students are making.
From the student’s perspective, they can see where they have completed chapters and topics, what quizzes they have taken, (and perhaps need to retake!)
Overall scores are pulled together for each of the Study Units used in your class.
Lesson Plans
Lesson Plans are set up with key points for lectures, suggested video and audio musical examples, and discussion ideas. Other suggested activities such as worksheets, study questions, chapter readings, and “exit ticket” ideas.
Essential Questions and Learning Goals are also included, with lesson plans extending over one to three class periods. Whether you want one lesson, a whole series, or the entire Study Unit, these Lesson Plans lay the perfect foundation for your study of American popular music history.
Using AmPopMusic Notes
Throughout all the Study Units, with all chapters and topics, students can make personal observations and notes regarding what they read, hear, and see. These “notes” can be as simple as couple of phrases or summaries, or as long as a full 1,000 word essay.
- Notes can be:
- saved, reviewed, edited
- downloaded and printed.
Students’ notes will be viewable by their teacher whenever they log on.
3 Important Things in 30 Seconds
Over 80 video summaries for Study Unit Chapters give a 30 second “quick look” at three of the important concepts to look for in each chapter. These videos are meant to give a framework of which crucial concepts a student should be looking for while they read through the Study Unit’s chapter.
Private Sessions
Looking to send a note to a student about an upcoming assignment, quiz, lecture, or class activity?
With “Private Sessions”, you can select the student’s name, choose a Thread Title, then send a message, complete with a variety of attachments: documents, links, pictures – all can be sent via a Private Session with your student.
Audio/Video Room
The ability to hear and view the music being performed and, at times, discussed, is an invaluable part of learning about American popular music history. AmPopMusic has researched, organized, and linked over 800 (now over 1,100) audio and video performances. Through these, students can connect names, instruments, concepts, genres and their characteristics, timelines, and the effects of music on American culture over the past century and a half. As teachers have known for centuries, to listen, and to see, is an essential part of learning about music history.
Lecture Presentations
Visuals to support your in-class lectures, or guided presentations for Study Units are helpful for students to get a broader overview of where a musical genre has come from, how its evolved, and where it may be headed.
AmPopMusic provides Lecture Presentations for Study Units – for use by students OR teachers – in or out of class. Assigned viewing in preparation for an upcoming lecture is another way these Lecture Presentations have been used by music teachers.
Study Qs
Available throughout AmPopMusic are chapter worksheets which can be downloaded, completed, and submitted either as a pdf or printed for submitting in-class environment. The worksheets call for “Important Terms & Names” from the chapter as well as questions drawn from material contained in the Study Unit chapter reading material.
Have a closer look at AmPopMusic’s Study Qs
and download some samples.
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